Meet the Captain's brother...
Captain Chris Buckley
Captain Chris Buckley.
Capt. Chris, also known as "CB", has been working on Charter and Party Boats on the North Fork for over 30 years. His ability to move around the deck to land fish and anticipate the needs of the customer is second to none. |
Captain Chris is also a High School Science Teacher. Aboard the Orient Star V, CB can impress with his tremendous data base of information about marine ecosystems and weather conditions. You've heard of the Farmers Almanac? Well, our CB is the Fisherman's Almanac.
2019 is a year of new beginnings for the next generation of fisherman! Capt. Chris will take on the important role of mentoring his son's, Brendan Buckley & Michael Buckley, and his nephew Danny Buckley, as they work deck as Second Mates aboard the ORIENT STAR V. It's an exciting time for our families! Thank you, Capt. Chris, for all that you do! |